Wednesday 19 March 2014

Lantau: Cycling in Discovery Bay

Discovery Bay is a major residential area on the South Eastern side of Lantau Island. It has the feel of a resort, with beaches, and many waterside bars and restaurants, and leisure facilities.  It is a popular place of residence for expatriates, with a safe environment for families, and is well connected to the airport and HK Island.  The masses of tall apartment blocks, and other residential areas, are not especially attractive, but the backdrop of the Lantau mountains, and the coastal views means it is an pleasant place to cycle. 

Fast Ferries link Discovery Bay with Central,  running every 30 minutes, and buses link to the Airport, Sunny Bay and Tung Chung.  The only way to bring a bicycle is to take the ferry from Central and there is no charge. (once you have paid the HKD 37 ony passenger fare).

There is more cycling to do than you would imagine, along the main spine of the resort and dipping into the many residential roads.  There is also a very good road up the hill, past the reservoir, and on to the Golf Club. Plenty of hill climbing practice! Discovery Bay is good for cycling because the roads are smooth, and generally quiet as only Buses, Delivery Lorries and Golf Buggies are allowed.

From the Air after taking off from HK International Airport

Discovery Bay Ferry Terminal

View from above Discovery Bay

View from Golf Club Road, Central Hong Kong in the distance

Discovery Bay Reservoir, with the Lantau Hills behind